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Lissylaine Reads

I've loved books and reading ever since I can remember and my great-grandmother read "Miss Suzy" to me over and over again. My tastes change over time, but tend toward paranormal romance, thrillers and mysteries, science fiction, some fantasy and urban fantasy, YA, and dystopia to name a few.

Currently reading

Queen of Shadows
Sarah J. Maas
Seams Unlikely: The Inspiring True Life Story of Nancy Zieman
Marjorie L Russell, Nancy Zieman
Progress: 50 %
Lover Reborn: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
J.R. Ward
Progress: 21 %

Actually, I didn't read this book

Where We Belong - Emily Giffin

And I don't ever plan to, nor anything else by Emily Giffin - I am still trying to figure this site out.  I plan to avoid this author in the future, based on her behavior (and her husband's and fans' behavior, bullying reviewers).


Wondering if there is any way to add a book to a custom shelf without adding it to my "Read" shelf...